Annex B - Research Justification

1.Framing of research
We are basically going to determine the mass of Jupiter using the distance of the moon and the planet. We are going to use Kepler’s planetary third law and newton’s gravitational law. We are also going to consider taking pictures using two professional telescopes which are Celestron Nexstar SLT Range and a Celestron Nexstar C6. We are going to use the telescopes under adult supervision as they can set the telescope at the correct angle so we can see the planet properly instead of seeing other objects that  which might be too bright and it might hurt our eyes.

2.Reasons for choice of topic
-We are interested in that topic and we think it will be worthwhile to do such a topic.
- We can confirm the mass of Jupiter through complex research.

3. Feasibility of the research
- The research is feasible as it is possible for us to study celestial objects using professional telescopes and
professional cameras.
-Since we are volunteers of the Science Centre Observatory The timeline for the different components of the project will be decided later based on the situation then. But overall, the project will be done as quickly and carefully as we can, trying our best not to go out of point and staying as close to the topic as possible.

4.Manageability of the research
- The  Jupiter will be appearing at the exact moment/period of time we are doing this project. Therefore, through professional telescopes we can actually get very minute details too and as we said that we are volunteers of Science Centre we can use the more advanced telescopes to get a clearer picture.

Thank You

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